segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009

Fim-de-semana / weekend

O fim-de-semana foi um misto de alegria e frustração!
Sábado à noite foi extremamente divertido, jantei com J antes de irmos com o K e N ao festival Marés Vivas (obrigada pelos convites prima G!!). Não me lembro de me rir e dançar tanto. Gostamos muito do som do Jason Mraz (AKA Johnny Morais lol) mas quem “mexeu” connosco foram os Powpow Movement, reggae para terminar a noite, muito bom!
Domingo precisava de recarregar baterias, pensava que iria dormir até tarde mas os meus vizinhos tinham outros planos! Às 10h resolvem “lavar a roupa suja” aos berros, a fechar portas com toda a sua força, a andar de um lado para o outro sempre a berrar, isto durante uma hora!!
Dado estar cansada deitei-me às 22h, tentar recuperar as horas perdidas de sono para vir trabalhar, mas os outros vizinhos acharam por bem andar a arrastar moveis e a aspirar.. Digam lá se não é frustrante??

This weekend was a mix of joy and frustration!
Saturday night was extremely fun, I had dinner with J before meeting K and N and go to Marés Vivas Festival (thank you for the invitation cousin G!). I can’t recall having so much fun laughing and dancing. We liked the melodies of Jason Mraz (AKA Johny Morais lol), but who got the party started were the boys of Powpow Movement, reggae to rap up the night, it was so cool!
I needed Sunday to recharge batteries, I thought I would be able to sleep the morning through but my neighbours thought otherwise! At 10 a.m. they decided to scream out all their problems with each other, they smacked doors, walked along the house always screaming, this lasted for an hour!!
I was really tired so I decided to go to bed at 10 p.m., to try to recover the lost hours and be able to come to work, but my other neighbours decide to drag furniture and vacuum clean… isn’t it frustrating?

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